Ordinarily Mark conveniently forgets holidays that require gifts. He will wait till the last second and then pull something out of his ass to make it work out. And honestly, he's pretty good at that. For our anniversary last year, I told him that planning something was up to him for once. He rounded up the whole family and we went to Glen Rose, TX where there is a drive-through zoo, which was awesome. On the way back, on a whim, we decided to stay overnight in Stephenville, TX. It was quite honestly the best weekend we had during our time in Texas. And not a bit of it was pre-planned. He just had the idea and went with it.
So I didn't expect anything from him for the holidays he'd miss due to his deployment, quite frankly. And I wasn't bitter about it. I just figured that's the way it goes. But today, I received a dozen beautiful roses. It was unexpected and wonderful and sweet. Sometimes, he turns on the charm. What a thoughtful guy I married. (Well, when he wants to be!)

Yesterday was a great day, too. I took the kids to the commissary with me (since I slacked off last week on Amaris' school days and didn't get it done) and despite my fears, they were so incredibly well-behaved. Amaris asked to sit in the cart and she didn't pester me to get out or yank things off the shelves or get loud and obnoxious... It was awesome. Cadence was awake and alert the entire trip but totally content and smiling at me the whole time. I was so thrilled.
This morning, Amaris and I baked a coffee cake. And then my friend came and got her and took her to her house. When she came back she had a gift bag (which had three Yankee candles that smell like a tropical getaway) and a pretty picture she colored for me. And she'd learned to say "Happy Mother's Day!" (Which she later said to grandma on the phone, too.) We made homemade chicken nuggets for dinner.
The weekend hasn't been perfect as far as schedules and such go, but it's been successful and enjoyable. Tomorrow (and likely the rest of the week) will be busy, so for now I am just enjoying the last few hours left of Mother's Day.