The following is a list of things I miss from California. I'm sure some of these things exist in Texas, but Texas is, in general, a shithole. And finding any of these things in this Godforsaken state would take probably a week of driving through ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. That just doesn't sound fun to me. If it's not in San Angelo, for me, it's not in Texas. Or at least it might as well not exist here.
Here are some things I enjoy about Texas (San Angelo):
This place sucks.
- Grandma
- Tri-Tip
- Sushi
- Red Robin
- Krispy Kreme
- Big shopping malls
- Outlet malls
- Beaches
- Seafood
- Fast-food Japanese
- Noodle restaurants
- Del Taco
- El Pollo Loco
- Grocery stores all having California Rolls
- Trader Joe's
- Roadside produce stands
- Predictable weather
- Base housing
- JCPenney portrait studios
- Toys R Us
- Unmetered water
- Time Warner cable
- P.F. Changs
- Cheesecake Factory
- Mexican food
- Apple Store
- Disneyland
- No crazy landlady!
Here are some things I enjoy about Texas (San Angelo):
- Brick houses
- Lake Nasworthy
- Whataburger
- No potato bugs (that I am aware of)
- Fredericksburg
This place sucks.
July 29, 2008 at 3:02 PM
mMm tri-tip... I'll certainly miss that when I go east coast