I'm really loving this. My girls are the best.
I didn't believe it when people told me during my pregnancy (and believe me, I had a LOT of people telling me this) but you really DO just magically produce more love. I honestly couldn't tell you any difference in my love for Amaris versus my love for Cadence. I love them both exactly the same. And I couldn't tell you any difference in my love for Amaris now versus my love for Amaris one week ago when Cadence was still floating around in my uterus. It's amazing. Today she was napping in her little bouncy seat and I looked at Mark and said, "It's so weird, I feel like she has never NOT been a part of the family. I feel like she's just always been here, you know?" He agreed. She is such a peaceful, sweet little girl. And even Amaris has adjusted to her beautifully, she is constantly concerned about her well-being and her goings-on... And she really seems to adore her, she talks to her, sings to her, gives her kisses, checks on her throughout the day and asks to hold her. It's really like she's been in our lives all along.
Anyways Mark makes fun of me, he says I was acting like love was a glass of water - like I was giving Amaris my only love and if I were to give love to someone else, it would be like taking some of the water out of Amaris' glass. During my pregnancy it kind of did feel like that. But now that Cadence is here, I get it. Love really does grow. Love multiplies. And no matter how many people you feel like you're giving all your love to, there will somehow always be a way to give more. Most importantly, even though it feels like it will, your heart isn't going to burst. The seams are sewn together with something that feels like elastic.
February 9, 2009 at 10:39 AM
you are a poet.
February 9, 2009 at 3:53 PM
ahh thank you for posting this. It's something that I really needed to hear...I mean I have heard it before like you from many other people during this pregnancy...but I never really believed them. Knowing you were doubting this yourself just a few days ago really makes me feel good about the new addition that could be joining our household any day.
PS you do have a gift for writing! :c)
February 10, 2009 at 1:08 AM
It's awesome isn't. I told you it would be, its the best feeling you can have. It's true love at it's best!
February 10, 2009 at 10:15 AM
I know what you mean about feeling like they were a part of the family all along. Makes you wonder how you ever lived with them. :)