28 and some change

I am apparently just past 28 weeks pregnant now.

Before I explode, I must point out that there is some weird steady humming sound going on in my apartment and it is driving me batty. I'm a little temperamental. It's been inexplicably irritating my ears for about 20 minutes now.

So, 28 weeks pregnant, and I have to say that there are some weird things people think it's okay to say to a pregnant woman. Any comment regarding weight, obviously (well, you'd think, anyways) is a no-no. A couple of weekends ago, we were out running errands and we stopped for lunch at the Macaroni Grill. It was raining so I unbuckled Amaris before we opened the car doors, and then got out and ran to get under the awning while Mark got her out and ran to meet me with her in his arms. As I was waiting there by the door, a couple came out of the restaurant and the man - a middle-aged guy - took one look at me and said, "Well look at YOU! You need to stop eating here so often."

I'm sure he thought that was the funniest thing he had ever said. I halfway chuckled courteously, then rolled my eyes and wished he would slip down the wet steps. He didn't.

When I relayed the experience to Mark, he said, "What an asshole." For the rest of the day, the going joke between Mark and I was that clearly, I eat too much. That's why I look like this. If anyone is reading this rant who has ever made such a comment to a pregnant woman, I'll have you know that the Wii Fit still deems me in the "healthy" BMI range, even for an UN-pregnant woman of my age and height. Thank you very much.

Also since arriving here, I've had several people (all with the best of intentions, I know) say to me something along the lines of, "Wow, I couldn't even tell you were pregnant!" Or, "You're TEENY compared to me when I was pregnant!"

I know these comments are meant to be complimentary. But when you're pregnant, your brain does this weird thing where you interpret everything oversensitively. So they all translate in my screwed up pregnant brain to "I thought that was a beer belly!", "You appeared to be just a little tubby!", or "You're abnormal." Honestly, I'm "teeny" compared to ME when I was pregnant. Nobody remembers the details, really, but everybody recalls the beginning and end stages of their pregnancies. When I was pregnant with Amaris, I had NO belly and then I had a huge belly:

The stuff in the middle, despite me having a handful of pictures, was unimportant and not really noteworthy. I'm currently in the middle of this pregnancy. I'm going to get bigger before it's through.

Pregnancy is a funny thing, I think.

Baby girl currently has the hiccups, which were one of my least favorite things during my pregnancy with Amaris.

Last night, I let Amaris sleep in my bed. Because Mark's in the jungle and I'm a big loser who hates to sleep alone. I have separation anxiety. Anyways she got all cozy on his side of the bed, gave me good night kisses and then said, "Where's my daddy-kiss?" I about cried. She can be so darned cute. I explained to her that daddy was at work (daddy's wuk?) in the jungle (daddy's wuk inna jungle?) and that it would be just her and me for a couple of nights. She's such a trooper. I love when he comes home from work and she runs to him, excited beyond all measure, throws her little arms around his legs and says, "DADDY!" Too freaking adorable.

3 Response to "28 and some change"

  1. OliveLand Photography says:
    November 21, 2008 at 12:16 AM

    I think you look fantastic! not too big or too small!

  2. Minna-Kay says:
    November 21, 2008 at 5:07 AM

    Gorgeous! Absolutely Gorgeous!

  3. Amanda Allison says:
    November 25, 2008 at 7:06 PM

    OMG that last paragraph just about made me cry!

    Baby girl has hiccups? I don't even wanna imagine what that's like when you're pregnant.