Marriage is about LOVE
The main point is... Who do you, the voters, think you are to decide who can marry who? Who can love who? Your religion has no place in the government and our policies can't constitutionally be based on any one religion. We have this special little thing called freedom of religion in America. It means everybody is allowed to believe in whatever they want.
We also have civil rights. We let women vote! And we let black people sit where ever they'd like on the bus - shoot, they can even drink from water fountains. We've evolved in America! We're supposed to be kicking that bad habit of discrimination.
As a straight woman who is happily married, I say I sure as crap wouldn't appreciate anybody telling me who I had a right to love and just how much I was allowed to love that person. I wouldn't have found it cute or funny if California'd been given the option to vote on whether or not I could marry Mark. For a bunch of "Christians" promoting prop 8, I'm surprised to see all the judgment and hatred. It's a bunch of hypocrisy as far as I can tell. I don't think God would approve:
Matthew 7Shame on you, conservative Californians, for thinking that it is ANY of your business to say who anybody else is "allowed to" marry. Marriage is NOT about any one particular set of beliefs or morals. Marriage is about LOVE. Sexuality has nothing to do with someone's ability to love, and should have nothing to do with the rights and dignity one is allowed.
1"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
November 5, 2008 at 12:58 PM
AMEN, sister!