The Dealio

There hasn't been much to say these past few days.  Or maybe it's my typical problem and there's just been far too much to say.  And no motivation to sort my thoughts into reasonable messages.

I think maybe that's it.  Just too much floating through my head to bother making it meaningful.

Some days I feel overwhelmed, like my life is just chaotic.  Others I feel sad and alone.  Sometimes I feel overstimulated, sometimes under.  I can't get myself motivated to do the things that need to be done.  I can't get myself put together most days.  Several times, I have realized halfway through the day that I forgot deodorant, didn't brush my hair, or have been holding off on peeing for hours.

Some of it's good.  Some of it's bad.  But it's all there.  I sit and I think way too much, and then I think about thinking too much and try to be reasonable.  It's a vicious cycle.  It puts knots in my stomach.

I frequently find myself incredibly distracted.  I think I need a vacation.

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