
I should jot some of these down before I forget them.  Behold, the Amaris-English dictionary:

Am-rass/Am-brass:  Amaris
et-up:  get up!
beer:  bear
yow:  meow
go-licious:  delicious
why-a:  water
mo-tree-bee bah:  Nutrigrain bar
beat-dest cookie:  Special K bar
Tee-teh:  Daeton
May-ka:  Veronykah
Da-yee:  Daddy
tat:  cat
sweepy:  sleeping
puck-it:  pumpkin
tiki:  take a
two, free, foh, fye!:  2, 3, 4, 5!
hut a knee:  got an owie (not necessarily on her knee)
butt a head:  bumped the head
'scuse 'scuse:  excuse me
buggles:  bubbles
hemmie, mommy:  help me, mommy
why-a pool:  whirlpool
Miss Hedda:  Miss Heather
dopper:  diaper
jammas:  PJs
wooka mommy, wats dis!:  look mommy, watch this!
go-nin-da car:  going in the car
crots:  Crocs
I yuh you:  I love you
huckus-dat?:  what was that?
dog:  hot dog
bow-na-ma:  banana
they-is!:  there he is!
oh-pem-et:  open it
the bah-bee: ??
bit-da bah-bee: ?? ??
mommy, wok:  carry me
weedy bug:  lady bug
see-ta:  Santa
kay-rets:  carrots
cuh-nets:  curtains
chits:  chips
cockers:  crackers
say cheese:  camera
push-a wuh-buh-net:  push a button
posstickle:  popsicle
peetcha:  picture
cuh-was:  writing utensils (pencil, pen, marker, crayon, etc)
com-peeta:  computer
mow chrocka moke!:  more chocolate milk
su-ghey-ee:  spaghetti
new-ohs:  noodles
crappy juice:  cran-apple juice

More to come, I'm sure.

4 Response to "Amarisms"

  1. Anonymous Says:
    January 10, 2009 at 1:06 AM

    Do the two in question have anything to do with babies? Or maybe Barbies?

    Don't forget weedy bug!

  2. Kari says:
    January 10, 2009 at 1:04 PM

    Baby is more like "bee-bee". And she started saying "bah-bee" before she knew what a Barbie was. Barbie currently sounds more like "bahwr-bee"

  3. Destiny says:
    January 12, 2009 at 3:55 PM

    Thats so funny mckayla says alot of things the same way... I love it...

  4. Destiny says:
    January 12, 2009 at 3:57 PM

    Im coping you again I love your ideas.. SORRY