
For the past couple of hours, I've been cleaning house.  Not because I'm nesting - I know that much because I am totally unmotivated to do it.  I'm just cleaning to pass time and because I know it absolutely needs to get done.  Sometimes I feel like the worst housewife ever.

Anyways instead of doing the obvious things that need doing, I did weird things.  Cleaned the two non-steel countertops, deep cleaned my stove and toaster oven, ran a couple of loads of laundry (and this time I am actually bordering on panti-less.)

Now I am going to clean the microwave and vacuum the house.  And we'll see where that gets me.

3 Response to "moooooooove"

  1. Krysta Martinez says:
    January 6, 2009 at 6:25 AM

    Remember, nesting and denial go hand in hand.

  2. Minna-Kay says:
    January 6, 2009 at 12:44 PM

    Pssttt. Nesting. Lalalalalalala......

  3. Anonymous Says:
    January 6, 2009 at 12:56 PM

    You're not nesting. If you're nesting, then so am I...and I'm not pregnant. Boredom and neccessity unfortunately do turn into a motivation all their own. I organized the crap on the top of the fridge the other day - then cleaned and organized all the cabinets.

    You're in good company.