This is a common sight in Okinawa. People walking around in surgical masks. At first, the concept was trivial to me, because it seemed... well, odd. Honestly, who walks around wearing a surgical mask all day? It's almost a tad creepy at first when you notice someone wearing a surgical mask out in public and then there's the language barrier which prevents you from having the opportunity to ask them why. But after some research I understand that it is common practice here to avoid the spreading of germs from the mask-wearer to "healthy" folk. And that makes it seem downright polite. And significantly less bizarre. If only people in America were so considerate, hm? It's pretty clear that not everyone wears the masks in Japan, otherwise we'd not be in our current predicament. I'd be fine and dandy and Amaris wouldn't be up all night coughing and crying and "sounding like a dying cow," as Mark so eloquently put it sometime after midnight last night when the poor girl was alternating between coughing and moaning miserably. But in Japan's defense, I'm fairly certain that this particular germ currently running rampant through our house is all thanks to other Americans on the bases. Who obviously don't wear surgical masks when they are sick
because they're afraid to look like Michael Jackson.
For the record, I love MJ.
We are polluting Okinawa! We are mouth-breathing our germs on all of the cautious locals! Shame on us! No wonder the masks are such a common sight - maybe they're also trying to protect themselves from our rudeness. I don't blame them.
I don't own a surgical mask, but if I did, today would be a great day to wear it. We're heading to the Cherry Blossom Festival up near Nago and I'm sure I'll be coughing all over everybody and "gomen nasai"-ing everybody all day.
Anyways now the crud has moved on to Mark, so the whole house is sick. I am wide awake because laying in bed made me focus more than necessary on breathing which just pissed me off because I wasn't really able to do it "right". For now I think I'll go Vicks him up. No, that's not something sexual.
January 19, 2009 at 2:44 PM
That IS very considerate! Perhaps if they sold masks of equal cuteness in the US, we might wear them! When you get back you should start selling them and get rich!
January 22, 2009 at 3:23 PM
When SARS was big deal a couple years ago, asians here in town were in abundance wearing surgical masks EVERYWHERE. I wish they wore the cute ones in your picture. That would have rocked.