But Wii can't!!

About a week ago, we were perusing the exchange, trying to find necessary things for our new apartment (dishes, pots, pans, microwave, etc), and while walking down the video game aisle, I spotted two WiiFit Boxes just sitting there, lonely and quiet. Wide-eyed, I beelined to them. I scooped one of them up and clutched it. Yes, clutched it. Right to my round pregnant belly. And while I stood there trying to weigh my options and decide what to do about such a find, a man walked up next to me and scooped up the remaining box. I clutched my find even tighter.

I've NEVER seen a WiiFit in stock anywhere. Ever. I've looked. I've seen the Yoga mat, the accessories... But never the WiiFit itself, in all it's glory. Still clutching the box, I turned and walked away to find Mark and seek his approval.

He is a sucker for video games, and caved with very little pushing and prodding. Muwahahahaha. The WiiFit was mine. When the Japanese cashier rang it up, even she acknowledged the precious nature of this purchase, and laughed and said, "oh, is this for me?" in her broken Engrish. I laughed and said, "I know, right?"

The WiiFit came all the way home, and to my utter dismay I realized that we are without the Wii. I had totally forgotten. Our Wii is packed up in a crate somewhere waiting to be shipped to us here in our new digs in Okinawa. Cold, lonely, collecting dust. I waited several days till Mark got a hold of TMO, thinking that surely our household goods must be "here" already and waiting for us to request them. My back was delighted with that idea. Air mattresses are only comfortable for so long, and then it becomes NECESSARY to have your own bed back. We are approaching that time. My pregnant body has had enough from the Coleman.

When Mark finally reached them, TMO (to further my dismay) reported that they have not received our shipment yet, and don't know when we should expect it.

I almost cried.

The WiiFit is STILL in it's box. Every time I see it there in the corner I feel disappointed. Every time I lie down on the squeaky, creaky air mattress, I die a little.

Someone hold me.

2 Response to "But Wii can't!!"

  1. Minna-Kay says:
    October 9, 2008 at 11:52 PM

    No Way!!! There were two and you didn't call me. Okay so maybe it isn't worth a $50 phone bill, but I want it!!! Still sucks about your stuff. I don't see how they expect you to live without your stuff and it' not like it's hard to but it on a boat or plane and bring it on over. You should have Mark call them daily informing them the pregnant women shouldn't have to sleep on air mattresses.

  2. Heidi says:
    October 11, 2008 at 2:22 PM

    LOL, that's all, you are a great story teller.