Let's not get angry

I am trying really hard to not lose it this afternoon. I thought for sure the guys in charge of the rifle range this week would send Mark home at a decent hour. I was positive. But clearly I was wrong, as here we sit, 5PM. No sign of him yet. Trick or Treat officially begins in one hour here on base, and Amaris is running around in nothing but a bad mood and a diaper. I don't have enough here to occupy her time anymore. It's really frustrating. Our house has government furniture, the computer, some kitchen junk, a TV, and food. As far as toys go... We have like 6 Hot Wheels, 2 barbies, a couple of iPet toys from Burger King, and a couple of stuffed animals. That's it. Oh - and a toy that is suited for a 6 month old. For some reason Amaris thinks it is rad beyond all reason. But not now. Right now she is just upset about being bored. So am I.

My elbow is killing me because there is a huge insect bite on it that I mysteriously got yesterday morning. Probably while I was blogging angstily. Anyways it has swelled up and made my arm incredibly sore. The rest of my body is just sore in general. My shoulders and neck especially.

If Mark's not home soon we'll miss trick-or-treating. I'm already at a loss for dinner since the meal I'd planned on requires ingredients we don't have.

I quit this job!

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