That's just weird

Last night I dreamt that I had an ultrasound. At a girl's house. She had an ultrasound machine. And instead of the pictures coming out blurry and guess-y, they were like black and white PHOTOS of the baby. She was scanning her own belly and we could see her daughter. Fully dressed, eyes open, alert. In her belly. She was wearing a headband.

So I got excited and asked if we could scan my belly and see my baby. She did. And we discovered that baby girl was in fact a baby boy. Only it was really blurry for me. Her scan was like photos, video, whatever. Mine was vague and dark. But I'm pretty sure it had a penis. And then I panicked and said, "Oh my God, his bedroom is all pink!"

I want another ultrasound. For peace of mind. I accepted that Amaris was a girl right from the get-go. No hesitation. I don't know why I am having such a hard time believing that this one's a girl too. (Although from her bedroom, you'd think I was sold on joining the pink team months ago!)

Anyways I feel like I am just sick and tired of everything at this point. There is NO comfortable position to sleep in anymore - not on a squeaky, creaky air mattress - and I am in general feeling overwhelmed, particularly with Christmas around the corner and then the arrival of the baby so shortly after that. I feel like I am struggling to make ends meet and make sense of things in my head anymore. I should make like a thousand lists, otherwise we'll never get everything done. Our "to buy" list just keeps growing and I'm not quite grasping where the money is going to come from to make sure all of these things are here on time.

Did I already mention that I called and pestered TMO and they said to expect our household goods to arrive on island November 4? And once it arrives, we'll have to go into the office and schedule an appointment to have it delivered. That just seems so hopelessly far away. I know in reality it isn't THAT bad, but when you're feeling as hopeless as I am, 2 weeks may as well be an eternity. I am up at least 12 times per night. Every time Mark moves or I readjust myself, (squeak squeak squeak goes the air mattress) I snap awake. Jeez - every time Amaris (who is across the hall!) moves on her air mattress, my eyes snap open. And most of the time when I wake up, I can't go back to sleep until I've peed.

Things will get better. I know they will. I just need to be patient.

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