Leave it at work!

I am having the problem workaholics have. Only I don't work. And when I did work, I certainly wasn't addicted to it. My problem is that I can't let these shopping issues that have all hit me with a vengeance go and I am now having bad dreams. Dreams where I am giving birth (and it's miraculously an extremely easy labor, and baby girl comes out looking just like Amaris and WALKING, even) we forget to even take any pictures, my belly vanishes instantly, and I'm leaving the hospital to head home in shorts and a tank top (ha, yeah, like I'd be wearing shorts leaving from labor and delivery).

But we get home and !!! There is nowhere for baby girl to sleep! Not even a temporary pack & play or bassinet! Although I am pretty sure Amazon won't give me too much grief about shipping a pack & play. No crib, nothing. And it's like I just... forgot. Or maybe not forgot but just couldn't ever figure it out.

At this point my best idea is to order the Wal Mart crib, have it shipped to a Wal Mart close to a friend, have that friend pick it up, and then ship it to me. But what if for some reason THAT doesn't work out either?? What then? I am at a total loss.

Does this then make me a shopaholic? Or am I just troubled..? I don't know what to make of it all, really. I just know I'm not doing so good right now.

1 Response to "Leave it at work!"

  1. Krysta Martinez says:
    October 25, 2008 at 8:58 AM

    I could lend you the Bunny and he could build your baby a nest out of phone book shreddings! I have a travelite at my mom's house and it's awesome cuz it's not so enormous as a pack n play. You'll figure something out. Dn't worry.