Beware the crabby one

Amaris went to bed early tonight and I decided that I'd catch myself some sleep as well. Since Mark's on duty tonight, I won't be waiting up for him to get home and be ready for bed anyways. So it just made sense to go to sleep instead.

I got everything shut off (lights, TV, computer, etc)... Took my vitamin, rounded up the house phone and the cell phone and went to bed with one earpiece in my ear and my "Snoozefest" playlist at the ready. I didn't even get all the way through Alan Jackson's "Remember When". My eyes popped open and I started thinking. And then I tapped on the lamp on my nightstand and hoisted myself out of bed.

I got stir-crazy. So I went for the Windex and proceeded to scrub and shine the glass shower doors. And then I started a load of towels in the washer. And then I went back to the bathroom and CLEANED THE TOILET. Yes, I did. With no real reason. Just totally scrubbed it and then went on my merry way.

And then I went into the kitchen. And I looked towards the sink. And I got totally discouraged. I hate emptying the dishwasher and avoid it at all costs. Mark doesn't mind this task. But he doesn't always do it. And so the dishes pile in the sink for several days while I spit nails and feel bitter about it.

Today is no different, clearly. I would rather clean the toilet than unload the dishwasher. That, my friends, is sad.

If I sit here on the loveseat long enough, I might be able to work up the motivation to get on it. We'll see. I might instead just get tired enough to lie back down and go to sleep.

3 Response to "Beware the crabby one"

  1. Minna-Kay says:
    August 13, 2008 at 10:58 PM

    Noooo. You were supposed to rest. It's my fault really. I was supposed to fly out and wash your dishes. I am sorry. Hope you feel better today.

  2. Krysta Martinez says:
    August 14, 2008 at 2:58 AM

    I wish that "nesting" urge would kick in with me! My house looks like a dump lol. Art and I are opposite with the dishwasher. I will unload it and he loads it. I would much rather clean the toilet than load the dishwasher.

  3. Jennifer says:
    August 14, 2008 at 2:24 PM

    ahhh, nesting -- you're toilet is never cleaner than when your pregnant. I think I'll get pregnant again, my closets need to be reorganized.