
I give up.

I've decided to just roll with the punches. My lovely sister-in-law offered for Boo to stay with her in San Bernardino with my brother and their cat, George, even just temporarily. I had the option to attempt today to find a USDA certified vet and try to cram EVERYTHING into the last day I could hope to do so and potentially end another day sad and disappointed and discouraged. Or, I could go through with using the base vet here and then let Boo stay a little longer in the States with someone I know adores cats, thus allowing Boo to skip the kenneling process before she joined us in Okinawa. We booked a room at the Hansen Lodge and we're going to just take it day by day.

Well, sort of. I'm still working out all the kinks for our final few weeks here in Texas. And the plan is still... well, lumpy. To say the least. But the good news is that I'm trying really hard to not build myself up for further disappointments. I fully expect to live in the base hotel for up to 3 months waiting for a housing unit to become available. And while I am cautiously optimistic that the girl Marine who is scheduled to PCS to Okinawa a few short weeks after we do will be able to travel Boo over to us, I am figuring that it's very likely we'll end up shipping Boo a few months from now as live cargo.

We're going to drive 17 hours straight through immediately after Mark's final graduation, and we'll stop only for food, gas, and potty stops. But this also means we'll have a little extra time in California for Amaris to spend with her aunt and uncle and for Boo to get partially adjusted.

I worked all evening last night on our calendar for the remainder of August through the middle of September when we arrive in Okinawa. If only you could see it. The next few weeks are completely solidly packed with happenings. So much so that it makes my head hurt. But I'm trying really hard to take it one step at a time and just see how it all pans out.

This, however, doesn't stop the incessant thoughts from rolling around in my head:
  • The drive will be miserable.
  • Have to get a hold of landlady this weekend and update her on the situation and hopefully sell her our refrigerator.
  • Need to ebay and possibly craigslist a ton of our things, since the odds of a yard sale are becoming slimmer and slimmer.
  • Need to get this place totally cleaned and ready for the landlady's approval by September 10 or so.
  • Have to go through and select what is going with us accompanied, unaccompanied, and what is staying behind to be placed in NTS for the next 3 years or so.
  • Pack.
  • Arrange the "big packing" with TMO.
  • Contact Okinawa housing office.
  • Finish getting area clearances.
  • Book TLF here in San Angelo.
Among other issues.

But, like I said... One stop at a time. We'll get to the details. It's all bound to pan out somehow.

I'd like to thank the 4 voters on my blog poll, even though I had to force two of those voters to participate... Hehe.. And I'd like to encourage everybody else who comes through to vote, too. It's just over there on the right hand side of the page, below the tickers.

1 Response to "Surrender!"

  1. Minna-Kay says:
    August 21, 2008 at 12:07 PM

    You can do it, you are superwoman and you will handle it all just fine. You may have forced me to vote the first time, but I just learned you can vote more than once, so now you will never know who votes how many times.LOL!!