Camp out

We spent the weekend camping in Junction, Texas. It is seemingly in the middle of nowhere, even moreso than San Angelo itself. It's about 90 miles away and is on the Llano River. Some of Mark's classmates were on an MWR trip that included a 9 mile tube ride (which was originally supposed to be a kayak ride, but the kayaks didn't come in on time.)

Since Amaris is possibly a bit young for kayaking or tubing down a river, we just drove down for the camping. We wound up swimming and such in the river while we were there, though, and had a good time. I think Amaris and I were pretty much the only completely sober people there. Still, Amaris managed to score the biggest wound of the trip when she face-planted off of a cement step and busted her little top lip open. She is such a trooper, though. She cried a while, and I tended to her bleeding lip, and then in no time she was ready to keep on keeping on. Still, her injury makes me sad!

By night time, I had figured out that camping in June was probably not the best idea, since June brings about June Bugs and I am not a fan of the sticky little bastards. So I spent much of the evening wigging out over them and all the guys spent much of the evening picking on me for being so distraught. When Amaris got tired, she and I retired to the tent, and shortly after Mark arrived and said he too was ready to sleep. So we all piled into the air mattress. I didn't sleep at all, between the grossly hot and very strong wind and being bitten by some unknown bug on my leg and all sorts of other stresses, I laid awake most of the night, and by morning was totally exhausted. We came home and I took a much needed nap as soon as Ami was doing the same.

Overall, we had a good time. But I will thoroughly enjoy sleeping in my own bed tonight.

1 Response to "Camp out"

  1. Minna-Kay says:
    June 9, 2008 at 10:10 AM

    Poor baby! That lip looks rough.
    Gotta love those June bugs. Ours don't come out until July or Aug. Maybe next time will be better.