The "Total Mac Experience"

I've determined that I just can't afford the "Total Mac Experience". I used a 60-day trial .Mac subscription and thoroughly enjoyed it, but now that it is coming to an end, I just can't coax myself to spend the $100/year on maintaining it.

Alas, my blog will have to relocate. I toyed with whether or not to host it here at blogspot or at wordpress... But finally just decided to go with the "Total Google Experience", and here I am.

This layout, though, will have to go. I mean, it's cool and minty for the time being, but I won't be able to tolerate such cookie-cutter business for long. Which means that I'll have to wean off of the easy iWeb layouts, and might have to dust off the cobwebs from some of my long ignored and forgotten html skills.

Fortunately, I don't really have a life, so that should prove to be fairly easy.

On with it!

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