Swiffer - Still hate it.

When I first moved out, I moved into an apartment with hardwood floors and tiles. I bought a Swiffer. Everybody always says Swiffers are soooo amazing.

I hated my Swiffer. I used it because it was what I had. I didn't have a mop. But I was not a fan. We moved from that apartment to another apartment with lots of lineoleum. I continued to use the Swiffer, till one day I decided I'd had enough and traded it in for a real live grown up mop. I gave the Swiffer away.

Since our arrival in Okinawa I have not bought a mop. The only mops available readily are the cheapy junky ones from the base stores. I refuse to put myself through yet another one of those. So I've been using paper towels and 409 to spot clean the floors. I had a coupon for a Swiffer, so I thought I'd give it another try. I just put the thing together and attempted to clean the kitchen floor.

Swiffers still suck. I still can't stand them. I want to throw that piece of junk away. My kitchen floor still looks and feels like crap.

Thanks a lot.

3 Response to "Swiffer - Still hate it."

  1. Jennifer says:
    December 10, 2008 at 8:52 AM

    We ditched our swiffer a couple of years ago. Even though we have laminate flooring and it's never supposed to get wet, I finally bought a mop. I'm with you, swiffers suck.

  2. Minna-Kay says:
    December 11, 2008 at 1:14 PM

    I hate them too, they REALLY suck on tile. I like a sponge and bucket, but with a preggo belly, IDK?

  3. Anonymous Says:
    December 15, 2008 at 11:19 AM

    I use a microfiber washable mop. I hate swiffer and swiffer wetjet ...however, I do swear by my swiffer sweep'n'vac.

    You win some, you lose some.