Holy freaking crap!


Merry Christmas Eve.  I get to spend my day being totally stressed out.  This has everything to do with my yesterday.  Yesterday, I found another roach.  And it ruined my morning.  So I went and hung out at Heather's house for a while, and then when I got home around 2PM, I called entomology again to see why nobody was bothering to get a hold of me and make arrangements to come out and spray after waiting on them for two weeks.

The guy had a little bit of struggle getting his ducks in a row and then said, "Okay, ma'am, we'll be there at 2:30."

"2:30?  Like, today?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Oh!  Okay, so I'll have to leave the house for two hours, right?  Do you need me to do anything before you get here?  Empty out cabinets?"

"Yes, ma'am, empty all the drawers and cabinets and move the furniture 5 inches away from the walls."

"What furniture are we talking about?"

"Oh, like a small desk..."

"Oh, no, there's nothing like that in the kitchen."

"No, I mean in the other rooms."

HOLY CRAP.  I was not aware they were going to spray the WHOLE house.  The man said, "We're on our way," and I flew out the door to Heather's and interrupted her nap, frantic.  She came over and (bless her heart) helped me with EVERYTHING.  But that pretty much equates to my entire kitchen contents having to reside on living and dining room furniture.  At 2:36, my doorbell rang and two Okinawans with little gas masks walked in, pesticides in hand.  We somehow managed to get everything away from the walls and out of the cabinets and drawers in time.

When I came in after 5PM, I went to start putting things away, and found my drawers damp with bug spray.  You can't put kitchen things away on a layer of wet bug spray and I was not in the mood to waste paper towels and then clean things up, so before I went to bed, I opened every drawer and cabinet and turned on the kitchen exhaust.  This morning just after Mark left for work, I got my butt out of bed and started Clorox wiping the drawers and cabinets out, and then putting things away.

My dining room table still looks like the pantry barfed everywhere.  I haven't put much of the food items away yet.  And I now have no excuse to skip bleaching my countertops.  So my to-do list today is long and scary, to be honest.

  • Put away pantry stuff and re-normalize other random things scattered around.
  • Clean the kitchen up.
  • Bake See-ta's cookies (because I got lazy the other day after discovering that I didn't have a loaf pan for my gingerbread, and promptly gave up on baking.)
  • Make Christmas Eve dinner (which we've always done bigger and better in my family than Christmas Day, for some reason.  Honestly, I couldn't tell you what we usually had for dinner most Christmas Days, but Christmas Eve was always prime rib - and I finally found and bought one at the commissary yesterday.  A teeny one.  Smaller than 5 lbs.  And it cost me nearly $30.  I almost cried.
  • Assemble Christmas breakfast.
  • Psych Amaris up about Santa's arrival.  She is so damn cute, by the way.  When she sees Santa now, she says "See-ta!  Ho ho ho!  Merry Christmas!"
  • Possibly go by the commissary again, or the produce stand.  Or both.  I need a few more things, I'm afraid.  I'm actually a little nervous to look at my recipe plan for the holiday because I am so unprepared and screwed over.  Fortunately it's just us for Christmas, so no needing to impress anybody, but still.
So, I'm a little stressed.  Christmas just can't go ahead and be normal for me.  Like, ever.  I seriously can't even believe it's Christmas Eve already.  I mean, Holy moly, where did the time go?

And since when are there less than 50 days to go in this pregnancy?!  Good lord!  It's a good thing I ordered the last few things off of my registry shopping list the other day and they've all shipped.

So much for Wordless Wednesday.  Okay, I'm off to bleach the counters and listen to Christmas music.

5 Response to "Holy freaking crap!"

  1. Amanda Allison says:
    December 24, 2008 at 8:32 AM

    I have no words. :(

  2. Minna-Kay says:
    December 24, 2008 at 11:45 AM

    I think you can, I think you can, I think you can...........

    One thing at a time. You will be fine. So what's the word, it's Mark home for Christmas? I can't believe you get Christmas a day early, but I'm sure you would love an extra day. Wish I could help.... :( Don't over do it.

  3. Jennifer says:
    December 24, 2008 at 12:43 PM

    Maybe the roaches were See-tas helpers.

    ...and now you've killed them.

    I miss the old Christmas Eve's, but I'm sure yours will turn out just fine.

    ...and a 5-lb prime rib? that's just too precious for words. (but "holy f-ing s**t" is about right for the price tag).

  4. Destiny says:
    December 24, 2008 at 1:11 PM

    Hey honey I hope you have a Merry Christmas... And Im sorry you had to clean on Christmas Eve..

  5. Krysta Martinez says:
    December 24, 2008 at 5:14 PM

    I am well aware of how a roach can ruin your day but I have never had a roach ruin my Christmas Eve! Little bastard!