
That's what the doctor said today.  He said I'm 38+1 weeks pregnant.

Still no definite progress, though nobody physically checked my cervix.  I am struggling to try and recall how it all went down when Amaris was born.  Did I drop?  Did I have any regular contractions before I started my active labor?

I can't remember the smaller details.  That worries me a bit, I think.

2 Response to "38+1"

  1. Krysta Martinez says:
    January 28, 2009 at 4:53 AM

    Does that mean 39 weeks? I have never heard that description before. They say the second one floats around til it's time to pop out.

  2. Kari says:
    January 28, 2009 at 11:32 AM

    Nah, the +1 is talking about days. 38 weeks + 1 day. :)

    I keep hearing mixed opinions on what the second one does... But I assume that any day now I'll have my own firsthand account. Remember all of this when you're working on #2, Krysta!! :)