Let's all stomp on me!

I'm really getting sick of nay-sayers.  Everybody who catches wind of my plans to start school next week gives me this boggly-eyed response, like going to school is absolutely ridiculous when I am expecting a baby.

It really is pissing me off.  My first class is worth ONE measly credit.  My second class is called "Intro to Computer Based Systems" and doesn't start until March.  I think I'll survive.

Why can't people just be happy for me and encouraging about my goal and my long overdue progress?  Is that really something too ridiculous to ask for?

2 Response to "Let's all stomp on me!"

  1. Minna-Kay says:
    January 26, 2009 at 1:44 AM

    WTH! Screw them. You are going to do great. I'm extremely proud of you working towards your goal. This is not the stone age and just because you have children doesn't mean you have to sit at home and let your dreams die. They don't know what they are talking about, so ignore them. They are just jealous b/c they know they don't have the balls to do it themselves. I hate when ppl say you "can't" do something, how do they know, they aren't you. Sorry, my comment is going to be longer than your post. But anyway, forget them and know that I am extremely proud and think that you can do anything you set your mind to.

  2. Anonymous Says:
    January 26, 2009 at 3:46 PM

    ITA with Minna - SCREW THEM! You can do it. I wish I had the gumption to go back to school. I'm too afraid of failure. But you know what? If we can afford it wherever we end up when he gets out, I'm almost determined to go back, stare failure in the face, and dare it to try me.

    I'm so proud of you.