Take a hike

It's good for you!

Today I took my 36+-weeks-pregnant-ass on the most ridiculous hike ever.

Through the jungle.

While I was sick.

Honestly, I think I climbed something like 4,000 stairs.  In a sweater and jeans.  I thought my body was going to break into a thousand pieces by the time I hauled my sweaty self up the last flight of stairs.

My friend said, "I'll bet you give birth to baby girl sometime next week!"  I said, "I'll bet she at least starts to really drop by tomorrow!"

So far, I don't think we're dropping.  But I looked at the belly in the mirror when we got home and thought to myself, "good LORD, that thing is huge."

I guess that's what nearly 37 weeks looks like.

4 Response to "Take a hike"

  1. Minna-Kay says:
    January 20, 2009 at 12:07 AM

    Dang, poor preggo body. I bet you are sore. Who's idea was this??? i think you look perfectly adorable and she will be here mega soon!!

  2. Jennifer says:
    January 20, 2009 at 6:10 AM

    i don't think the second one drops like the first. the second one just decides, "I'm getting the hell out of here" and jumps out.

  3. Krysta Martinez says:
    January 20, 2009 at 6:17 AM

    Perhaps you sweated out some of your sickness on your jungle excursion.

  4. OliveLand Photography says:
    January 22, 2009 at 3:25 PM

    You seriously have the cutest belly ever. I love it. It is so perfectly round. I am jealous.