Baby Steps

Yesterday I registered for 3 classes.  And then I stewed about the classes (and the fact that they weren't as well spaced as I had thought they were) and my giganto tuition bill ($1295 for 3 classes??  Plus books??) until this afternoon while I was in the shower and I thought to myself...  I'm overdoing it for my first semester back in school since 2004.  I mean, that was FIVE years ago!  I need to take baby steps, especially since one of my accomplishments during this semester will be that whole pushing-out-a-new-baby thing.

So I reviewed.  And then I stewed.  And then I reviewed again.  And I opted to bail on a class before they began.  Rather than bombarding myself during the first half of the semester with a library study class, a US History class (for which the books would have cost me $90!), and the birth of a new baby, I dropped History.  And in the semester's second half, I'll just be taking my Computer-Based Systems class.

These changes dropped my tuition to $710, and negated the need for me to buy any books.

I keep justifying these changes in my head.  Everybody has predicted my failure already.  I've heard from at least two different people (whose opinions I greatly value), "How do you expect to be able to do that?" when I mention school.  So now the pessimist in me is already counting the dropping of that History class (that wasn't even going to begin for another 23 days) as a total loss.

My justification is that this semester I am taking it easy.  Taking it slow.  Taking baby steps.  Being sensible.  I'm going to have another baby.  I'm going to take two classes that should be fairly low-key.  I'll have time to settle into a routine, and time to adjust.  And I'll have time to take my placement exams so that next semester I can start working on the "real" academics (to include not only History but also Math and English).

This is smart, right?  Baby steps are what will get me into a groove and keep my stress levels down and not break the bank.

2 Response to "Baby Steps"

  1. Jennifer says:
    January 3, 2009 at 6:37 PM

    you're doing the right thing, there's nothing wrong with dropping the history class. Ease back into things, getting back into the school groove is harder than it seems. Plus, you're going to have your hands full at home the next few months as you all adjust to #2. You've set a reasonable goal for yourself, to complete a degree before you leave have plenty of time.

    Just be sure clear your "tiny human emerging from your uterus" with your professors...they can get really cranky over attendance issues.

  2. Minna-Kay says:
    January 4, 2009 at 4:35 AM

    Baby steps are perfect. Don't worry about what other ppl say, this is not for them, this is for you!!! You will do great.