
It is finally November. I wish I could say that the leaves were turning and the air was getting crisp, but that's one of the adjustments we're going to have to make living in Okinawa. Where in California, the running joke is that there is no fall, here in Okinawa it really seems that there isn't one. Unless I just haven't seen it yet. But I am doubting that is the case.

Either way, I'm okay. As long as October is over with and we're a little closer to having a mattress, my tunnel vision is satisfied for now.

It was funny, yesterday we went to Jusco and on the way out, the smell of Starbucks was so intense and delicious that we had to stop. Had to. It was our first time going to Starbucks since arriving here. I hardly glanced at the menu before I started begging. Pumpkin Spice Latte! Please! No. No PSL here. I almost cried. Instead I ordered a Chai Latte. Which didn't taste like the Chai Lattes in America, but it at least smelled right so it was okay.

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