Baking Spree

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. Not too terrible, but the feeling IS there.

I have my purple yams ready, and my white potatoes (because you can't find red ones here), and my green beans that I bought yesterday on a field trip to a local produce stand with my neighbor. I'm as ready as I'll ever be. The pumpkin bars are in the fridge, the cranberries are jelling.

Today I'll spend the afternoon baking pies and cookies, and before bed I'll wash and trim all of my vegetables. I'm thinking that I should have bought more carrots. The part that worries me most of all is keeping up with the dishes while I work, which I'm utterly terrible at.

I know that we're going to have entirely too much turkey, entirely not enough casserole dishes, and I'll end my Thursday tired and stuffed. No, not like a turkey. I don't stuff my turkeys. It freaks me out to put stuffing in that gaping raw body cavity.

We'll make it work. For the moment, I'm savoring the last few minutes of peace before Amaris wakes up (I'm estimating it'll be over with in approximately 14 minutes) and then it'll be off the computer chair for me, and into the kitchen to clean things up and get them ready for the marathon baking I'll be doing this afternoon. And to fold the last of the laundry. And to make the beds.

I've become so much more domestic than I ever dreamed I'd be.

1 Response to "Baking Spree"

  1. Anonymous Says:
    November 26, 2008 at 9:44 AM

    I am pretty domesticated too, but I kinda saw that on my life plan, so I'm not terribly surprised.

    So - why all the food? Are you having guests?