
I don't want to point fingers but it seems a lot of my friends are pretty darn hateful. And negative. Like, unrelentingly negative. I'm a negative person in general, but with this presidential election, I kind of feel like either outcome would have hopefully been a new beginning and we should all, as a nation, embrace that. I'm sure I'd have been sad if McCain had won The White House, but I don't think I'd be sitting and stewing in negativity over it. I am of the feeling that anything, at this point, would be a welcome change from the past 8 years we've had politically in America. I mean, let's be honest, they've been a nightmare.

Sure, I was rooting for Obama. Sure, I smiled when he was announced the winner. Of course I did. But had McCain won, I'd have shrugged and said, "It's just 4 years, and SOMETHING positive is bound to happen eventually." I mean, either someone was going to get elected and keep making the same mistakes Bush has been making, and our economy will fail further... Or someone was going to get elected and turn things around. Regardless of who the new president is, you've GOTTA be hoping for things to turn around. Obama has his work cut out for him. But he is a young, vibrant face, and honestly is full of untapped potential. All politicians are crooked. (Except for Ron Paul, who would have been a wonderful choice for America, if only everyone had been listening closely enough. ;P) All politicians are going to lie, cheat, and steal. Obama hasn't even had an opportunity to shine yet (or to tarnish) and so many of my friends are already implying that the future is so dim with him standing in the center of it all. Am I hanging out with the wrong people? Are we all really so different? I want what is best for this country. My husband is busting his ass on a daily basis for our rights and freedoms. I want good things for America, believe me. I know that my friends all have the best intentions, but honestly, when Bush won the elections 4 and 8 years ago, didn't we all cry and kick and scream and worry that the future was ruined? And somehow, we made it. We're at the end of the Bush presidencies and we made it. We're alive. Our economy is shit, our military morale is low, our reputation is tarnished... But we survived. And there is some hope. There's always hope.

If I hear one more person give me a pathetic, stupid, self-serving reason that they are disappointed McCain lost the election (so far those are the only kinds I've heard), I might scream. If I hear one more person tell me unfalteringly that we're doomed when really at this point we're at a new beginning and NOBODY can predict our future with any realism or accuracy, I am going to pitch a fit. Let's have a little faith, people. Let's see what happens. In four years if you still feel this miserable, you'll have another opportunity to make your voice heard. For now let's take it one day at a time.

I love my friends and I'd hate to feel like I am losing respect for them, but here lately they don't seem to be making themselves very enjoyable or flexible. I've always known that I've had friends with different beliefs than my own, and it's never bothered me before in the past. My differences with some of my friends still don't bother me. But those are the friends that are willing to show a little optimism about things, and they seem to be few and far between. For now, I'm feeling disappointed.

Also, today was Amaris' first dentist appointment. She screamed bloody murder the WHOLE time, and then wiped the flouride off her teeth and onto my sleeve. It was very pleasant, let me tell you. Luckily she doesn't have to go back for a year.

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